Getting into a car accident is bad enough. When the responsible party flees the scene without leaving information, your claim can be even more complicated. You may have suffered serious injuries or expensive property damage, all with no one to hold accountable. A hit-and-run means you may not know the identity of the person who negligently or recklessly caused your damages. This does not, however, bar you from financial recovery. A few different outlets could be available to you. Insurance claim New York is a no-fault state…
Have you ever felt sick to your stomach and immediately blamed it on something you ate? While most minor indigestion issues pass on their own, some situations may be more severe. In fact, foodborne illnesses can sometimes be fatal. Restaurants have a duty to serve food that is both fresh and well-prepared. It is especially easy to mishandle meat and dairy products if a cook is not careful. If you have experienced significant pain or illness from poorly-prepared food, you may be able to hold the restaurant…
With tax season in full swing, you and thousands of other New Yorkers likely are in the throes of preparing your tax returns. Or maybe you chose to hire an accountant or tax preparation service to figure out your taxes this year. Either way, you probably find the whole tax filing process to be more than a little stressful. What if you make a mistake? What if your preparer makes a mistake? Will the IRS come after you for tax evasion? The answers to those three questions…
If you ever find yourself under arrest for a DWI in the Brooklyn area, you might want to be cautious about the steps you take immediately afterward. Regardless of the evidence law enforcement may have against you, your actions play a role in the outcome of your case. Navigating the criminal justice system when facing a DWI is not easy, but it is not impossible. Here are a few mistakes to avoid when dealing with a drunk driving charge. Thinking law enforcement on your sideLaw enforcement uses…
Machinery fails. Equipment ceases to work properly. Your charge of driving while intoxicated may not hold up in court. Why? Something may have happened to make your breath test inadmissible as evidence. A breath test device issue arises In the summer of 2016, a private attorney alerted the Philadelphia Police Department that the calibrations on their breath test devices were out of date. The accuracy of blood alcohol readings depends on the solution used in the instruments, and the date on the solution in the Philadelphia machines…
Racial profiling by law enforcement is a serious and ongoing issue. According to the ACLU, racial profiling is a term that describes when law enforcement officials target and discriminate against people because of their race, ethnicity, national origin or religion. Unfortunately, racial profiling leads to: False arrests – unlawfully restraining an individual Excessive force – unnecessary force by police that results in personal injury Malicious prosecutions – facing court proceedings after illegal confinement Prisoner mistreatment – mistreatment or neglect during incarceration Here are some of the most…
You might think that once you report to your prison sentence you lose a lot of rights. And it’s true. You lose your right to freedom, your right to vote and so many other privileges, but there are vital rights that you will always retain as a prisoner. Unfortunately, many prisons in New York and other areas of the United States frequently violate these rights. If you suspect that you’ve had your rights as an inmate violated, you may want to check to see if any of…
Personal injury plaintiffs may encounter a lot of new words and vocabulary throughout their legal proceedings. Some of this vocabulary will be rarely heard legal jargon, but other words you might be more familiar with. What follows is a listing of some vital personal injury vocabulary. If you’re not familiar with the definitions of any of the following words, be sure to read it and commit it to memory as the word may become very handy to you in the future. Here are a few common personal…
Many people are impatient on the roads today. Whether it is due to stress, traffic congestion, an inconsiderate driver or some other trigger, there are some drivers who react aggressively to others. Aggressive behavior behind the wheel can turn deadly for New York residents. Here, we provide information on how you can reduce your chances of becoming a road rage victim. Road rage is a step up from aggressive driving, according to the American Safety Council. Whereas aggressive driving can cause accidents, road rage is a deliberate…
Nothing may be more heartbreaking than the fatality of a young New Yorker, barely touching on adulthood. As reported by the New York Post, a recent deadly car accident on the Cross Bronx Expressway illustrates just how dangerous a combination youthfulness and operating a motor vehicle can be. In this tragic instance, a three-car collision took the young life of one of the drivers, leaving the two older drivers unhurt. A 17-year-old passenger in the 18-year-old driver’s vehicle reportedly suffered very serious injury. The accident occurred at…
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