New York Civil Rights & Criminal Defense Lawyers

Woman sues New York police after falling in a haunted house

Injuries can happen anywhere, even when you go to a haunted house. Not surprisingly, Halloween is a fun time of year with lots of exciting haunted houses to go to in the Bronx and beyond. Unfortunately, they aren’t always safe.

Take, for example, this case involving a mother from the Bronx who is now suing the New York Police Department after breaking her ankle in the precinct’s haunted house. It is her claim that an officer jumped out to scare her and knocked her down, leaving her with a broken ankle as a result.

The woman claims that she was visiting the 41st station house with her children when the officer lunged at her. This startled her and resulted in her being knocked to the ground. Officers told her that help would be on the way soon, but she believes she waited outside of the station for an unreasonable amount of time.

In fact, she ended up taking a cab home before going to Lincoln Hospital. There, she was told she would need to have an open reduction surgery followed by a second surgery to remove the hardware that was implanted during the first.

In this case, the officers are accused of being negligent and failing to provide adequate lighting for the event. The lawsuit claims that the defendant was negligent by causing the woman to fall and suffer injuries. Her lawsuit also states that the precinct did not provide her with medical care or treatment.

While it’s normal to be scared in a haunted house, being pushed or falling and getting hurt isn’t part of the fun. If you are hurt in a manner like this, you may also have a case.




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