New York Civil Rights & Criminal Defense Lawyers

Staying safe while passing through construction zones

As careful as contractors are to make sure New York City worksites are safe, accidents can still happen at any time. In fact, according to The New York Times, there were 231 construction accidents in the city in 2014, which was an increase of 24 percent from the previous year. No one goes looking for trouble, but whether you walk, drive or bike through a construction zone, you might be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stay alert, take some precautions and increase your chances of having a nice day.

Safe walking habits

Walking is sometimes the fastest way to get where you are going in New York, and in construction zones, it is wise to pay attention to your surroundings. Take your earbuds out and put your cell phone away. Look for trucks that might be pulling out of a construction area or heavy equipment that could come your way unexpectedly.

Cautious driving and biking tips

Plan ahead. If you know where certain jobsites are located in the city, avoid them if you can by taking alternate routes. If you have to go through a construction zone, pay attention to warning signs that are posted.

Stay calm. Be aware of tailgaters and do not let other impatient drivers dictate how you should drive. Give trucks extra space because they need more room to maneuver and stop. The bottom line is that construction zones come up faster than you think. Be cautious and stay alert.

Finding help if you need it

Even if you have done all you can to navigate safely through a construction area, you could still become an accident victim and sustain injuries. If this should happen, reach out for legal assistance. A personal injury attorney is standing by to help you through the aftermath, protect your rights and see that you receive the compensation you deserve.




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