New York Civil Rights & Criminal Defense Lawyers

How Does No Win, No Fee Work With Lawyers?

No win, no fee arrangements can be a lifeline for those in need of legal assistance but are concerned about the financial implications. At Sivin, Miller & Roche LLP, we strive to provide clarity and transparency on how this process works to ensure that our clients can access the legal representation they deserve without the added stress of financial burden. Let’s delve into how the no win, no fee model operates and how it can benefit you.

How Does No Win, No Fee Work With Lawyers?

What Is a No Win, No Fee (Contingency Fee)?

A No Win, No Fee agreement, also known as a contingency fee arrangement, is a payment structure commonly used by law firms in civil litigation cases, including personal injury, police misconduct, and criminal defense matters. Under this arrangement, clients do not pay any upfront legal fees or expenses to their attorneys. Instead, the attorney’s fees are contingent upon the successful outcome of the case.

Here are some benefits for clients:

  • Risk-Free Legal Representation: Contingency fees allow clients to pursue legal action without the financial risk of paying upfront legal fees. Clients only pay if they win their case, aligning the attorney’s interests with the client’s success.
  • Access to Justice: Contingency fees make legal representation accessible to individuals who may not have the financial resources to afford hourly legal fees. This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to seek justice and hold wrongdoers accountable.
  • Incentive for Attorney Performance: Attorneys working on contingency fees are motivated to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients since their compensation is directly tied to the success of the case. This incentivizes attorneys to work diligently and effectively on behalf of their clients.
  • Quality Representation: Clients can benefit from the expertise of experienced attorneys who are willing to take on their case under a contingency fee arrangement. This allows clients to access high-quality legal representation without worrying about the financial burden.
  • Efficient Resolution: Contingency fee arrangements often encourage attorneys to pursue settlements or resolutions that are in the best interests of their clients. This can lead to quicker and more efficient resolutions, as attorneys work to secure favorable outcomes for their clients in a timely manner.

A No Win, No Fee arrangement provides clients with access to legal representation without the financial burden of paying upfront fees. It aligns the interests of the attorney and the client, incentivizing the attorney to pursue the case vigorously and maximize the client’s recovery. This fee structure can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may not have the resources to afford traditional hourly legal fees.

At Sivin, Miller & Roche LLP, we understand the financial challenges that our clients may face when seeking legal representation. That’s why we offer No Win, No Fee arrangements for certain cases, allowing our clients to pursue justice without the worry of upfront legal expenses. If you have been a victim of police misconduct or require criminal defense representation, contact us today for a confidential consultation to discuss your case and learn more about our fee structures.

Is There a Standard Percentage for Contingency Fees Charged by Attorneys?

Contingency fees can vary depending on the complexity of the case, the likelihood of success, and the prevailing legal market conditions. While there is no standard percentage for contingency fees charged by attorneys, some common practices and guidelines exist within the legal industry.

  • Negotiation: The percentage of the contingency fee is typically negotiable between the attorney and the client. Attorneys may consider factors such as the complexity of the case, the potential recovery amount, and the client’s financial situation when determining the fee percentage.
  • Customization: Contingency fee arrangements are often tailored to the specific circumstances of each case. Attorneys may adjust the fee percentage based on the unique challenges and risks associated with the case, ensuring that the arrangement is fair and equitable for both parties.
  • Statutory Limits: In some jurisdictions, there are statutory limits or guidelines governing the maximum percentage that attorneys can charge for contingency fees in certain types of cases, such as personal injury or medical malpractice. Attorneys must adhere to these limits when entering into contingency fee agreements with clients.
  • Fee Structures: Attorneys may offer tiered fee structures or sliding scale arrangements based on the stage of the legal proceedings or the outcome of the case. For example, the contingency fee percentage may increase if the case goes to trial or decreases if a settlement is reached before trial.
  • Transparency: It’s essential for attorneys to be transparent about their fee structures and clearly explain the terms of the contingency fee agreement to their clients. This includes disclosing any additional expenses or costs that may be deducted from the client’s recovery.

At Sivin, Miller & Roche LLP, we understand the importance of transparency and fairness in contingency fee arrangements. Our experienced attorneys work closely with clients to negotiate fee percentages that reflect the unique circumstances of their cases and ensure that our clients are fully informed about the terms of their representation.

How a No Win, No Fee Agreement Typically Works

Understanding the ins and outs of a “no win, no fee” agreement is crucial for anyone considering legal action. Here’s how these agreements usually work:

Initial Consultation

The process begins with an initial consultation between the client and the attorney. During this meeting, the attorney evaluates the merits of the case and determines whether it qualifies for a No Win, No Fee arrangement.

Agreement Terms

If the attorney agrees to take on the case under a No Win, No Fee arrangement, both parties will enter into a formal agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the arrangement. This agreement will specify the attorney’s fee structure and any additional expenses that may be incurred during the course of the case.

Legal Representation

Once the agreement is in place, the attorney will provide legal representation to the client, pursuing the case and advocating for their best interests. The attorney will handle all aspects of the case, including investigation, negotiation, and litigation, with the goal of achieving a successful outcome.


If the case is successful, and the client receives a favorable settlement or judgment, the attorney’s fees will be deducted from the compensation recovered. The fees are typically calculated as a percentage of the total recovery, as specified in the contingency fee agreement.

No Recovery, No Fee

In the event that the case is unsuccessful, and no compensation is recovered for the client, the attorney will not receive any fees for their services. The client is not responsible for paying any legal fees or expenses, and the attorney assumes the risk of not being compensated for their work.

At Sivin, Miller & Roche LLP, we understand the financial challenges that our clients may face when seeking legal representation. That’s why we offer No Win, No Fee arrangements for certain cases, allowing our clients to pursue justice without the worry of upfront legal expenses. If you have been a victim of police misconduct or require criminal defense representation, contact us today for a confidential consultation to discuss your case and learn more about our fee structures.

Seek Justice Without the Financial Risk

At Sivin, Miller & Roche LLP, we believe in providing our clients with fair and transparent representation, including offering contingency arrangements for certain cases. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to advocating for our clients’ best interests and fighting for the justice they deserve. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your legal needs.

Contingency Lawyer FAQs

What types of cases are eligible for a no win, no fee arrangement?

No win, no fee arrangements are commonly used in cases involving personal injury, police misconduct, criminal defense, and other civil litigation matters where the client seeks financial compensation.

How much does it cost to hire an attorney under a contingency agreement?

Under a contingency agreement, clients do not pay any upfront legal fees. Instead, the attorney’s fees are contingent upon the successful outcome of the case, typically calculated as a percentage of the total recovery.

What happens if my case is unsuccessful?

If the case is unsuccessful, and no compensation is recovered for the client, the attorney will not receive any fees for their services. Clients are not responsible for paying any legal fees or expenses if the case is unsuccessful.

Are there any additional expenses I need to consider?

While clients do not pay any upfront legal fees under a no win, no fee arrangement, they may still be responsible for certain expenses incurred during the course of the case, such as court filing fees, expert witness fees, and other litigation costs. However, these expenses are typically deducted from the client’s recovery if the case is successful.

How do I know if my case qualifies for a no win, no fee arrangement?

The eligibility for a no win, no fee arrangement depends on the specific circumstances of each case. During the initial consultation, the attorney will evaluate the merits of the case and determine whether it qualifies for a contingency fee arrangement.

Can I negotiate the contingency fee percentage?

Yes, the contingency fee percentage is not fixed by law and can be negotiated with your lawyer. However, the complexity of your case and the work required may influence the lawyer’s willingness to negotiate.

What happens if my case is more complicated than expected?

If your case becomes more complicated and requires more work than initially anticipated, the agreed-upon percentage typically does not change. The contingency fee agreement should cover the entirety of your case, from start to finish, regardless of complexity. It’s crucial to have a clear and comprehensive agreement in place.




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