New York Civil Rights & Criminal Defense Lawyers

New York Civil Rights And Criminal Law Blog

Disturbing allegations of abuse at prison shock camps

For many who were incarcerated in New York and looking for a way of shortening their prison sentence, a shock camp program sounded like a great opportunity. In many cases, these imprisoned individuals were trying to get back to their families and loved ones, desperate to refill the gaping void that they left behind. That’s the deal that some prison inmates were offered, and it was deceptively inticing. The program was referred to as a shock camp, was said to last for six months, and was being…

Rights that you have while in prison

In the event that you’re arrested and have to spend time in jail in New York, the U.S.C Constitution grants you certain rights that you have. If you feel that you haven’t been provided those rights, then you could contact an attorney to file a claim or a complaint. Humane conditions Even though you’ve committed a crime, it doesn’t mean that you should have to live in conditions that are inhumane. As part of your prisoner’s rights, you are entitled to clean facilities, working sinks and toilets,…

Can you sue a New York police officer for false arrest?

If you have ever been falsely arrested by an officer of the law, then you know that it can be a humiliating experience. However, you have civil rights guaranteed by law, so you may be able to sue the arresting officer for a false arrest. How do you sue for a false arrest? In order to prove that an officer violated your civil rights, you must show that the officer acted with malice or reckless indifference to your civil rights. Malice means that the officer knowingly and…

Man imprisoned for 23 years for a crime he did not commit

A 23-year-long nightmare for a wrongly convicted New York man is over. With no DNA evidence, video footage, confession, phone records or fingerprints, the man was charged with murder on the basis of eyewitness testimony. For more than two decades, he sat in a prison cell for a crime he did not commit. He maintained his innocence through all those years, and after a thorough re-investigation, the Richmond County District Attorney’s office agreed. Details of the original case On April 5, 1996, a young man was gunned…

4 reasons to refuse a field sobriety test

A police officer must have a good reason to pull you over. Perhaps you made an illegal turn, you drove through a stop sign or your car’s headlight is out. In any of these cases, the officer will likely check your driver’s license and registration, give you a citation or a warning, and let you go on your way. On the other hand, if the police officer asks if you have been drinking, you have every reason to be concerned. Police do not usually ask this question…

Are police looking for you using facial recognition?

If you live in New York, you may have even more reason to wear your face mask these days. Despite growing concerns over the untrustworthiness of the technology and outcry over its misuse, law enforcement agencies continue to use facial recognition software to identify and track those suspected of committing crimes. Unfortunately, the flaws in the technology too often lead to mistakes, wrongful arrests and violations of civil rights. Many cities in other states have banned the use of facial recognition, and others have placed restrictions of…

Sivin, Miller & Roche, LLP delivers justice despite pandemic

Written by Brendan Gilmartin, Legal Intern at Sivin, Miller & Roche, LLP The ongoing global pandemic and social distancing guidelines have caused trials to be adjourned across the entire United States, but especially so in New York, a state hit hard by the pandemic early in 2020. While the need to abide by social distancing guidelines to save lives and reduce strain on vital healthcare resources is of utmost importance, delaying trials can pose special difficulties for plaintiffs-side trial lawyers who are often reliant on witness memories…

These 3 work zone hazards affect pedestrians and workers

There are many kinds of accidents that can happen on construction sites, which is why people should not be on a construction site without permission. Sometimes, especially in New York, you may have to walk through an area that is under construction. Doing that, you could be exposed to many of the hazards that workers face. You could also be an independent contractor working for a company and end up suffering an injury, which then requires you to make a personal injury claim instead of workers’ compensation…

3 little known cybercrimes

Although computers of some form or fashion came about in the 1800s, modern-day computers entered the world in the 1970s. Now, in the 21 st century, having a computer, whether a laptop, PC or cellphone, is a must for many people. 100% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 use the internet. Even those 65 years and older use the internet 73% of the time, and they were born before the invention of the modern-day personal computer. These days, with all the devices used to…

Law enforcement misdeeds led to many wrongful convictions

New Yorkers who are alleged to have committed crimes and are placed under arrest might be under the impression that the justice system will work in their favor with fairness. If they did not do what they are accused of, it is easy to think that they will be cleared of the charges and can move on with their lives. Unfortunately, that is not the case for a troubling number of people. Those who have been wrongfully convicted of a crime and punished for it should be…



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